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The Ultimate Guide to Website Maintenance for Businesses

Did you know that neglecting regular website maintenance can cost your business more than just a few frustrated visitors? A well-maintained WordPress site requires regular maintenance to ensure it ...

7 Infographics To Understand Social Media for B2B Companies in 2024

The world of social media marketing is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the best practices can be a demanding task for businesses. To help simplify things, we gathered 7 of our top social ...

Meet Our Summer Hire: Nicolina Guerci, Data Analysis & Tech Support

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Snyder Group team for the summer, Nicolina Guerci. As a recent graduate from the University of Connecticut, Nicolina earned her Bachelor of ...

How to Tell If Your Website is Outdated

In today's digital landscape, your website serves as the virtual front door to your business. It's often the first point of contact for potential customers and a critical component of your brand ...

Key Analytics Around Marketing Goals

Data is everywhere, but it's important to know what data is relevant to you when measuring the performance of your digital marketing campaigns. And as marketers or project managers, being able to ...

Maximizing B2B Lead Generation Through SEO Strategies

B2B companies thrive when their online presence is optimized for search engines, particularly Google and Bing. Effective SEO strategies not only enhance organic visibility but also play a pivotal ...

The New Era of Passive Lead Generation: A Strategic Insight for CEOs

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, CEOs and business owners are perpetually in search of strategies that not only streamline their marketing efforts but also maximize return on ...

Opinion: Gen-Z Slang is Re-shaping the Digital Marketing Landscape

Communication moves us all. The words we use and hear have the power to affect the actions we take, the decisions we make, and the way we perceive the world around us. Language shapes our thoughts, ...

Boosting Trade Show Impact: The Role of QR Codes for Manufacturers

QR codes, those ubiquitous black-and-white squares, have become a staple in various industries, offering a simple yet effective way to connect the physical and digital worlds. Their utility shines ...