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Thoughts. Leadership. Inbound 2014.

This past week, I was thankfully pulled into attending HubSpot's Inbound 2014 Event. The event is hosted annually and presents the newest marketing strategies, conference training sessions, and plenty of networking and socializing events. This being my first inbound event, I made a point of attending several educational conferences, hearing some cool keynotes, and generally soaking up the inbound marketing vibe that was permeating from all rooms out into the city of Boston. To follow, some conference take aways that resonated for me:

  • Over 80% (yes, 80%) of folks these days are getting their media fix through screened devices – specifically computers, smart phones and pads.
  • A Forrester report that buyers may be almost 90 percent through their decision-making process prior to making contact.
  • Product/services are to sales/marketing what a company's brand/culture is to recruiting talent.
  • Focus on quality – quantity can be scaled up.


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Selfie with our Hubspot representative, Brian Mosely 
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Hubspot Koozie


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Aside from what I learned during the conferences, the speakers were also very interesting. Keynote Simon Sinek rocked on Tuesday morning, and HubSpot cofounders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah were chock full of what's new and up and coming for both partners and users.


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#Inbound2014 Event Hall


All in all, a great event. Now back to work.