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Case Study: Inbound Marketing for Legal Services Client Exceeds Goals +500% and Grows Business +80% in 12 Months

A leading full-service surrogacy matching agency with an underutilized Hubspot subscription was in search of a marketing partner that could kick-start their inbound marketing strategy. Over 12 months, Snyder Group worked closely with the client to build an inbound marketing platform that exceeded all of their goals.

+166% +80%



Surrogacy can be a complicated legal, emotional, and financial endeavor. Successful outcomes require the expertise of an experienced surrogacy matching agency. With 25+ years of experience in assisted reproductive technology law, there was no shortage of expertise with our client. The organization facilitates the entire surrogacy process, from finding and qualifying surrogate mothers to matching them with intended parents, and managing all of the medical and legal processes along the way. In short, they are a partner on both sides of the surrogacy matching process that ensures the safest and most beneficial outcomes for everyone involved.

Challenges and Goals

Thanks to a history of successful outcomes and brand awareness, the organization was already doing a good job of  generating top of the funnel traffic. However, most of that traffic was not yet ready for a consultation and, as a result, was lost and never captured or re-engaged. 

The client had the tools in place, because of an existing Hubspot subscription, but had not yet leveraged them fully. Key to the success of our partnership was reactivating the dormant Hubspot account.

There are two very distinct personas that exist in this business, intended parents and surrogate mothers. Attracting and converting these audiences with extensive qualifying presented a unique challenge. Snyder Group worked in-depth to distinguish buyer personas and uncover the key motivators for each of these personas and their segments.


Snyder Group’s strategy was centered on fixing the middle of the funnel. This meant converting more visitors into contacts that would then be further nurtured into marketing qualified leads (MQL) and clients.

Creating Content to Fill the Funnel
With buyer personas clarified, Snyder Group created a new website with a user interface that accommodated the personas. We also created/published a range of ebooks, webinars and blogs that addressed the unique needs of intended parents and surrogate mothers. The result was not only an immediate spike in leads, but better qualified leads that were educated on the surrogacy process. The organization was able to pre-build rapport and trust as each lead moved down the funnel into a consultation request.

Making Lead Qualification More Efficient

Snyder Group then leveraged Hubspot’s API to build a custom progressive profiling pre-screen application for surrogate mothers. In the past, the organization would have to manually sort through dozens of candidates to qualify them. The Hubspot integration allowed them to automatically qualify and segment candidates that were the best fit.


For the period 7/1/13 – 6/30/14, prior to engaging Snyder Group:
Number Intended Parents that signed on as clients: 42
Number of Surrogate leads: 262

After engaging Snyder Group, the overall goal as defined by the organization was to increase their annual caseload by 5 new cases.

For period 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, after working with Snyder Group:
New Cases: 34 (580% of 12 month goal)
Number Intended Parents that signed on as clients: 76 (80% increase)
Number of Surrogates leads: 1,008 (285% Increase)

Visits to the client’s website increased from an average of 6,000 a month in July of 2014 to 16,000 a month a year later.

Total contacts converted went from 145 by June 2014 to 1,528 by July 2015.

Total number of new customers generated online went from 14 in June of 2014 to 76 by July 2015

Moving Forward

In the interest of setting reachable goals, they were reset for forthcoming term goals at a modest (compared to first term) 15-20% increase. In addition to an increase in intended parent cases and the building of a qualified surrogate pool, success metrics continue to be website behavior/engagement and annual revenues tracking upward. Life is good!