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The Benefits of Blogging for eCommerce

Many people think blogging doesn’t work for eCommerce – but they’re wrong! If done properly, blogging for eCommerce can be one of the most beneficial aspects of your marketing strategy. We speak to a lot of clients who want to know if a blog is important to have, but aren’t sure why. Is it to increase conversions at the bottom of the sales funnel? Or, is it to generate more SEO content to attract new visitors? Should your blog be used educate potential customers about your products? The short answer is, blogging for eCommerce can help with all of these things. Here are four tips to help you start, optimize, and continue your blogging for eCommerce marketing strategy.

Blogging Helps Drive Traffic to Your eCommerce Website

By blogging, you can help drive qualified visitors to your website, thus increasing the quality and quantity of your search engine traffic. But how does blogging increase traffic? Well, every time you write a blog post, you are creating one more indexed page on your website. Each indexed page is an opportunity to show up in a search engine; and each opportunity can drive traffic to your site. The trick is to choose target keyphrases for your content that are specific to your audience and not difficult to rank for.

Another way to drive traffic is to create blogs that feature products relevant to your customers. For example, gift guides are always a hit. Not only are they on the easier side to write, but they drive traffic to your blog and your eCommerce site. It’s a win-win!

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Blogging Adds a Human Element to Your Brand’s Voice

Blogging for eCommerce can also show customers the “human side” of your company. Whether it’s a piece written about the most recent office kickball tourney, or employees sharing their passions, your blog is a unique opportunity to share company voice, culture, and personality. Not only that, but it helps you build up trust and company like-ability with potential customers. 

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Blogging Helps Convert Traffic into Leads & Sales

In the simplest of terms: the more you blog, the more leads you will generate. Then, add a Call-To-Action (CTA) button in your blog, and you’re good to go! The more content posted means more eyeballs on each page, more submissions filled out, more email opt-ins, more requests, and ultimately more sales.

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Blogging Helps Establish Industry Authority

“Establishing industry authority” is way easier said than done, due to the metric being so fluid– fluid in that it’s not as easy to measure industry authority vs. leads. Blogging for eCommerce not only proves to your customers that you know your industry standards and trends, but also that you’re a reliable source of industry-related news.

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Blogging for eCommerce is one of the best ways your company can stand out from the crowd.

Not only will it distinguish you as an industry authority, but by driving traffic to your site your blogging strategy will help you convert traffic into leads and sales, all while humanizing your brand. You could even say that blogging for eCommerce gives smaller companies a chance to better compete with bigger brands because quality content is always in demand.