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10 Blog Ideas to Jumpstart Your Company’s Inbound Marketing Blog Strategy

Tweets, Blogs Posts, Content Offers, oh my!

These are just a few of the vital ways your company should be leveraging content to push out to your audiences. Content has to be timely, relevant, entertaining, thoughtful, and informative. In addition, it’s important to have a good mix of content- don’t just Tweet, don’t just do content offers, etc. That being said, if you’re fresh out marketing ideas, here are 10 blog ideas to jumpstart your company’s inbound marketing blog strategy!

  1. Show a step-by-step guide on how to do something in a screencast, how-to video, or show the steps in a series of photos.
  2. Point out common mistakes in your industry and offer solutions on how to fix or avoid them.
  3. Share conference takeaways.
  4. Do an in-depth case study about one company, or offer a few examples of how other companies do something successfully
  5. Feature guest posts from industry experts.
  6. Create a list of trends to watch.
  7. Do a review of other non-competitive products or services that your community cares about.
  8. Publish a post relevant to the current season or holiday.
  9. Explain what a current event or topic in the news means for your industry or community. Example: “What ____ Means for ____.” “Why _____ Matters for _____.”
  10. Offer a list of benefits for doing something

Your company’s inbound marketing blog strategy means attracting prospects with this content. Not only that, but eventually converting them, and finally analyzing the results to see which of these ideas works for your brand and audience.