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Twitter for B2B Manufacturing Companies

For many, Twitter helps connect users to a business they have an interest in. Some B2B manufacturing companies may think Twitter is not of value to their industry. However, Twitter has a long list of benefits for B2B manufacturing companies, if they use the platform correctly.

6 Benefits of Twitter for B2B Manufacturing Companies

Twitter is not just a social media platform. It helps businesses gain new and potential customers, while also allowing seamless communication between the company and their existing customers. But that’s just the start; with Twitter you can also:

  1. Increase your company’s SEO ranking by including longtail keywords in tweets, as hashtags, and in retweets.

  2. Give excellent customer service. Many consumers use Twitter to contact companies about problems they are having. Twitter gives these companies an easy way to give instant feedback.

  3. Increase website traffic. If someone finds your company on Twitter, and they are interested in the product or services you offer, your Twitter may encourage them to visit the company’s website.

  4. Increase blog visibility. Twitter gives your B2B manufacturing company another avenue to publish relevant industry-related content and blogs. Twitter currently has 326 million monthly active users.

  5. Create an interactive environment with procurement managers and their companies. There’s a high chance that other B2B manufacturing companies are already on Twitter! So use this great platform to interact with them and get the conversation going.

  6. Help grow your international audience. Let’s face it, there is a lot of overseas activity in the B2B manufacturing industry, with 259 million international users. Harness the power of Twitter, and other social media platforms, by retweeting, tweeting to, and interacting with these other companies and industry thought leaders.

Understanding Hashtags for B2B Manufacturing Companies

The concept of hashtags can be confusing to some. But when used properly, hashtags can expand brand awareness and increase traffic to your B2B Twitter account. We’re going to explore two main types: trending hashtags and industry/product hashtags.

  • Trending hashtags: These refer to the most popular hashtags, at that exact moment in time. The list of trending hashtags is constantly updated throughout the day- based on what users are Tweeting about. These hashtags will help you reach a broader audience and increase your Twitter impressions; however they probably won’t result in an increase in actual customers.

  • Industry or product hashtags: These hashtags are more specific, and refer to a particular industry, genre, or product. Industry or product hashtags can be as simple as, #manufacturing or #ballbearings. By using industry-specific hashtags, you are making it easier for procurement managers, engineers, and other people in your industry to find you.

By using a mix of both trending and industry/product hashtags, you can help increase awareness while targeting potential business.

3 Ways B2B Manufacturing Companies Benefit from Twitter

Unfortunately, Twitter is not a social platform that you sign in on once a month and suddenly gain followers and likes. It takes time, resources, and patience to gain a legitimate audience on Twitter.

  1. Log in daily: Allow yourself at least two hours a day to interact and engage with other users on Twitter. Logging on for 10 minutes a day, will not make a difference in performance.

  2. Be relevant: Post relevant content, use well-thought out hashtags, and tag industry thought leaders. Think, “What will attract my persona?” Don’t just post for the sake of posting.

  3. Research: Be sure to research trending hashtags and find out what’s relevant to your B2B industry. Then you can leverage these hashtags to gain more clout and impressions. A word to the wise: beware of generic hashtags (i.e. #ThursdayThoughts). While these commonly-used hashtags may increase impressions, they are not targeted towards potential clients. So, keep your hashtags specific!

If you are focusing for a couple hours a day reading comments, posting relevant persona materials, and engaging with users, Twitter can be an asset to your company. As a B2B manufacturing company, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be using Twitter to grow your company and reach out to your public.