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Inbound and Outbound Marketing - the Link

Traditional outbound marketing has served as an important part of the mix for many businesses for a long time. Regional and local markets in particular still look to print, broadcast, and outdoor advertising as a base to reach their audiences. These, more traditional media, can still be relevant when linked back to an inbound marketing strategy with the goal of driving both prospect awareness and providing an opportunity for targeted lead generation. With calls-to-action (CTAs) embedded in traditional media as part of larger inbound campaigns, we finally have a way to track performance, reach and ROI.

Example: Regional multi-practice medical group needs to build awareness and drive traffic to a new facility opening in a new market. They also need to increase their new patient visits overall to align with revenue goals. Physician referrals and traditional advertising media (print, broadcast and outdoor) are still heavy lifters for both traffic and overall awareness. However, the internet (google search) is quickly becoming a formidable contender for these endeavours. Which is better? Both. With an inbound marketing strategy in place traditional advertising can be integrated to direct audiences in the same way a call-to-action works on a web page. We can achieve what once was impossible: Fully trackable awareness advertising.

Check out a post from our partners at Hubspot:
8 Ways You Can Turn Old-School Marketing Into Inbound Marketing


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