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Digital Marketing for the Boating Industry: Social Integration

Social integration is a still a relatively new concept for many businesses. Depending on the industry, it can be difficult to keep up a steady social media presence with interesting content. However, this doesn’t apply to the boating industry. With such a passionate community of boat buyers, social integration can come easily and can only compliment the marketing taking place via your website.

Engage With Potential Customers

Social media platforms aren’t the place to close on leads. The goal of social integration is to engage with potential customers so they become ready to buy. This can be done by sharing relevant content that people can discuss. In addition to this, it is important to consider what social media sites you want to integrate around. Here are some ideas of how to use the different social media platforms:

  • Instagram – Share early photos of new boat models or events at boat shows
  • Twitter – Provide real time customer service with users
  • Facebook – Share the latest trends and stories in the boating industry to start discussions
  • Youtube – Create videos for inside looks of your boats, boat safety videos, etc.
  • LinkedIn – Share company and industry news

This chart from is a good reference for what platforms to use depending on your ultimate business goals.


Customer Service

Most people are on at least one social media site these days. It is important to be where your customers are, not only to engage with them but also to help them. Customer service is growing on social media sites because it is where people can get quick answers and connect directly with the business. Because of this, it is important to include customer service in your social integration strategy. For example, if someone were to tweet at you asking about your participation in a certain boat show, you could quickly tweet back. In the process of doing so, you send the message that you are readily available and care about your customers.

Once social integration is added to your digital marketing strategy, it will be clear to see how the process works together as a whole. Although social media isn’t focused on turning leads into customers, it is still important because it allows people to engage with your company brand and, eventually turn into potential leads. With such a passionate customer base, boating businesses can’t go wrong.

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