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Apple Holding On To The #1 Spot


I've always been fascinated with the Apple brand.  The simplicity and friendliness of the symbol has the power to draw anyone in. A study shows that the Apple brand carries tremendous weight, credibility, and consumers are willing to pay up for that. Forbes rated Apple as one of the world’s most valuable brands of 2014. The brand is valued at $124.2 billion.

My prediction is that Apple will be standing strong for a long time to come. They've always been on the cutting edge of technology, creating for tomorrow, today. Apple took the number one spot from Coca-Cola in 2013. Now we are reaching the end of 2014, and Apple shows no sign of slowing down.   

What makes Apple so successful?

  • For any product that Apple creates, the people who create it want it themselves
  • The products are easy to use
  • Apple keeps things simple 
  • Great customer service and in-store experiences 
  • Apple only makes a product if it can do it better than anyone else
  • Apple stays at least two years ahead of its competitors 

Apple is the brand of our generation. Some people would question if the brand is actually better than the product. I would object to that. As much as I admire the brand, I also share the same love for the products. As a graphic designer my iMac fits my lifestyle and sets the perfect foundation to work on.  With that being said, I am curious to see how long Apple can hold the title as the world’s most valuable brand.